Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Studio/ Showroom in Thornton

I have recently opened a studio/ showroom in Thornton. It's in the same location as Kaelynn's Bridal and Day Dream Spa. It's a very exciting venure for all of us and we have big plans to make our one-stop-wedding shop even better. The location is 231 Barrie St. (Hwy 27) in Thornton. My showroom is accessible Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:00am-5:00pm, Thursdays 11:00am-7:00pm, and Saturdays 10:00am-4:00pm. I am on out shooting periodically, but you are welcome to come in and check the place out during those hours.

This past Sunday we all collaborated in the name of art. The house we are in is beautiful, however, we have yet to put anything on the walls. Of course, my walls are filling quickly in my showroom, but throughout the rest of the house we need some art. Brides are truely a work of art so we decided to highlight some of the latest fashions. Pam with Day Dream Spa Provided the make-up, and her modelling services. Laura with Kaelynn's Bridal provided the gowns, and Eliza from Occasions Hair provided the hair styles. I did the pictures. Laura's sister, Victoria, also volunteered to model. Both ladies did a fantastic job.

Here is just a sampling. More to follow.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Dave & Domenica

Friday night I found myself at the Caledon Estates Banquet Hall for another wild party.

Dave & Dominica exchanged vows at the United Church in Tottenham and the festivities began immediately following. Domino DJ Services did a fantastic job as usual. The dancing never stopped!!

Dom and Dave both come from very close, loving families and have an awesome mix of friends. There was a lot of love in the room that night. Dave's father was especially surprising. He is 96 years old and he danced up a storm for most of the night... what a guy!! I really had a blast!!
Congratulations Dave & Dom on your new life together and your new beautiful family. It was a pleasure meeting you both and photographing your very special day.

Stay tuned for a party collage.